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How It Works

Our house construction process is straightforward and hassle-free: Plan, Build, Track, and Move In.

Raise a request
  • Raise a house construction service request or call us at +91 78888 76768. Our team will get in touch with you to understand your requirements in more detail.
  • They will arrange the meeting with our technical expert.
Meet our Expert
  • Experts will guide you in selecting the right package for house construction and solve any queries that you may have.
Book with Us
  • Good to go ! You pay 2% of the estimated project cost as the booking amount
Receive Detailed Plans
  • Our architects will provide exhaustive drawings and designs till you are completely satisfied.
  • House construction Designs include floor plans, 3D elevations, electrical, plumbing and structural designs

Amazing Construction work starts now

Track & Transact
  • Our project management team tracks and monitors your project through our system and processes - through regular site visits.
  • You get the project updates through our customer application.
Settle In
  • The last and final stage. We make sure you are well settled in your newly constructed home. Our journey together doesn't end here. We provide 10 years of warranty.

Planned, Built, Tracked, and Moved In.

Talk to our Expert